I've been journeying for the better part of my life. In fact, one of my earliest memories occurred when I was four years old. My father picked me up and sat me down on the kitchen table (we were living in North Carolina at the time) and he asked me a question--
"Rob, would you like to move to the Philippines?"
A few months later (in 1964) I found myself on the President Cleveland, a luxury liner, sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge and toward Honolulu, Yokohama, Hong Kong, and, finally, Manila Bay. This is a picture of the actual boat.
"Rob, would you like to move to the Philippines?"
A few months later (in 1964) I found myself on the President Cleveland, a luxury liner, sailing under the Golden Gate Bridge and toward Honolulu, Yokohama, Hong Kong, and, finally, Manila Bay. This is a picture of the actual boat.
The journey was a long one--twenty one days across the Pacific. At one point, the four of us (Mom, Dad, me and my little brother) were standing on the deck at dusk. Across the way I could see a coastline and a few lights.
"Who lives over there?" I asked.
"That's Red China," my Dad responded.
I wondered why the lights were white if the country was red.
Thirty two years later I would discover the suffering that was occurring in China as I sailed calmly by on my luxury liner. I visited China--and my new Chinese friends told me of the pain they had experienced through the Cultural Revolution.
Their experience taught me a valuable lesson. I need to pay attention along the way. I need to listen. And I need to share what I learn.
So--I'm starting this blog--perhaps as much for me as for anyone else. I'll be doing a lot of journeying over the next few years. And you are welcome to share the journey.
"Who lives over there?" I asked.
"That's Red China," my Dad responded.
I wondered why the lights were white if the country was red.
Thirty two years later I would discover the suffering that was occurring in China as I sailed calmly by on my luxury liner. I visited China--and my new Chinese friends told me of the pain they had experienced through the Cultural Revolution.
Their experience taught me a valuable lesson. I need to pay attention along the way. I need to listen. And I need to share what I learn.
So--I'm starting this blog--perhaps as much for me as for anyone else. I'll be doing a lot of journeying over the next few years. And you are welcome to share the journey.
1 comment:
What an honor to be the first to leave a comment! I appreciate the opportunity to share in your journey. As you so wisely state....the chance to listen and to share what we learn is gift. Thanks for including us and I look forward to the next stop along the way. You mention that the Muslim paper spoke critically of the Human Rights Declaration. I read recently that criticism has the ability decompose and that if you are criticized often it can and will decompose you. We need to always think of that and look for the positive. Seek and pursue the good because therein lies compassion, love and restoration.
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